Universe surprise figurine

The end of 2019 is rich in new items from the world of toys, we never cease to be amazed. Spin Master presents its new series of toys called Uni-verse Surprise Unicorns - Universe of surprise unicorns, Series 1. The novelty is sold in an attractive bright pink box.

These collectible unicorns are anything but gray, boring, and ordinary !
As it is now accepted, the process of unpacking toys is part of the game, it will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Unpacking rainbow clouds (you get a white rainbow cloud and a pink cloud with rainbow tongue and heart cheeks) is a very interesting process.

What will be inside the cloud?
You will only know this after dissolving the cloud in warm water. The water will become colorful: it will change color to pink, blue or some other, and turn into a kind of slime .
Inside the slime, you'll find rainbow surprise bags, including a unicorn figurine! Dissolve first one cloud, and then the second: each will contain a figurine and accessories.

Everything is sealed in bags with the image of clouds - let's open it!
Inside, after dissolving the clouds in water, there will be:
Unicorn Action Toy Figure
Unicorn friends
Accessories (two per character)
Character Information Card (Unicorn Bio)
The collection includes over 40 unicorns Uni-vers . Moreover, they have different characteristics. Some toys smell good. Some have a wonderful mane, and some others glow in the dark.

Each unicorn has two accessories for decoration or entertainment (lipstick, donuts, handbags, beard, skateboard, microphone, and so on), all attached to the character. Figures can change accessories with each other.

There are seven fairy-tale worlds in the first Uni-six Unicorns Series 1 : Funtasyland, Sweet Treats Landing, Glam-a-Ganza Land, and more. In these worlds, unicorns live in different ways: they can adore donuts or tacos, love makeup or be stars, or dance all day long, and they dress according to their passion.
Also, discover the different rarity levels of unicorns: can you find a super-duper uni-que figure?