This year, we're introducing new Sylvanian Families and Playsets , including an awesome Adventure Tree House! And also sets of accessories so that you can imagine this wonderful world in even more detail.
So let's see.
Panda family
An ideological dad, an agile mom and two children who love music and dance.

Lovely castle and many attractions
There is even a Ferris wheel! magnetic tiles building blocks The set includes three babies (in sitting positions): a panda, a rabbit and a Persian kitten. Add more kids - a big company can play here!

Carousel based on the night sky
The moon-shaped seat pivots when you rotate the umbrella with the star at the top. There are three places, one figure is included - a baby panda.

Baby Hedgehog Hideout
Bilberry Bramble loves to play outdoors with his friends, and his secret hideout is a fantastic place to meet and play. There is a miniature wood stove with a real chimney, a rooftop mailbox for secret messages, and even a built-in sofa. And if someone needs a little sleep, there is a sleeping bag capsule where you can climb in and rest.
Hedgehog figurine included. Lakeside Lodge
This small, cozy home includes a stove, table and armchairs. There is even a sleeping hammock that you can hang inside or outside under the balcony.
Your Sylvanian little ones will love to play here even more, as there is a hidden slide in the roof - just for them!
No figurines.
Height - 27 cm, area - 30 cm x 17 cm.
Connects to Adventure Treehouse.
Alpaca family
In the fluffy alpaca family, to the delight magnetic tile connetix tiles of mom and dad, two adorable kids are growing up - a teenage daughter and a baby son, who has just begun to crawl.
Dad alpaca knits great. It was he who be happy magnetic tiles knitted and presented beautiful scarves to his wife and daughter. He also loves listening to music. Therefore, the alpaca mother often sings beautiful melodious songs to him. But her main hobby is weaving. She can do a lot of great things magnatiles that will definitely come in handy on the farm. My daughter is learning to embroider, every day she improves her skills. And only the baby alpaca is not able to do anything magna tiles metropolis yet, but he pleases the rest of the family with his charming smile.
Halloween Playhouse
This little house is being sold with magna tiles house two kids dressed for Halloween at once. Little ghost (squirrel) and scary witch (rabbit)!
The house has a revolving door (arrange Halloween tricks) and carved pumpkins stacked outside the door.

Applewood Mouse Family (mice)
Father Michael Applewood is an expert engineer, he has been fascinated since childhood by everything that has wheels. He is in the business of decorating, maintaining and building vehicles for both work and fun!
Mother Minerva Applewood is the most educated mouse you've ever seen! She has always had a passion for learning new things. Minerva is now teaching children in Sylvania.
Sister Gary Applewood loves to be outdoors. She rides her bike around Sylvania or has a picnic at Sparkle Lake with her friends. Gehry's favorite event of the year is the Windwistle Hill Race, where all the village kids race up the biggest hill in Sylvania!
Persian Cat Family (Persian cats)
A large family with additional sets of babies.
Father Lucas Persian is a dancer who bee happy magnetic tiles
is well known throughout Sylvania. He studied many different styles of dance, so he says he can't pick a favorite! Lucas really wants to stay in shape and is always engaged, and he starts the day with a homemade cocktail for breakfast.

Mother Down Persian knows a lot about astronomy and constellations and is always eager to share her knowledge with friends and neighbors. Her children are also beginning to take an interest in the topic, and Down is ready for any questions they may have.
Sister Lyra Persian loves to tinker with cars and is very interested in technology. The family has just moved into a new home that has an elevator and Lyra is fascinated by the way it works. Lyra is very close to her twin sister, they talk all the time, which is especially nice, since she is usually quite quiet and shy.
Siter Skye Persian loves to study natural sciences, particularly meteorology. Every day she examines the sky and writes weather notes magnetic tiles kmart in her diary. Skye also checks the direction of the wind.
Bellamy's younger brother Persian loves his train! He plays with it more than with any of his other toys, but always happily shares it with his twin sister.

The younger sister Leah Persian is a very curious kitten. She is fascinated by shapes and textures and often examines grooves in furniture with her little paws.
The triplets Blair, Blake and Brianna Persian are still very young. Blair loves to pull ribbons on her sister's dress. Blake especially loves the smell of mint and the sound of leaves in the wind. Brianna is older, even if only for two minutes , and she is already becoming more mobile. She is the first of the triplets to turn over while sleeping.
Ryan's younger brother Persian is fascinated by the photographs and is never shy about posing when someone points the camera in his direction! Ryan loves looking at pictures with his family.