NSI's Splat Bugs is a collection of fun antistress toys, new to 2020 from the creators of Wubble Ball and Laser X.

Splat Bugs open up new possibilities to play. Because children can fill them with content again and again, come up with their own games and practical jokes with these kind, but creepy creeping creatures.

Lovers of bugs and pranks, NSI International's Splat Bugs are here to make your day brighter and more fun!
Children can fill these realistic bugs with green mucus and orange ... intestines. Each kit includes a test tube of these non-toxic compounds, as well as an insect toy that can be filled with this.
As soon as children fill their beetles with these mucous contents, they can be squeezed, squeezed, stretched, twisted and crushed. Any child who loves such toys will be absolutely delighted with Splat Bugs. They provide the child with a pleasant tactile sensation, beloved mucus and eerie realism. You can arrange funny pranks!
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