New Lil Secrets Secret Shops Shopkins Lil Secrets Secret Shops (Season 4) are pet toys: lovely llama-style salon, cute cat cafe, penguin sushi and bunny bakery.

Series 4 set names: Lovely Llama Style Salon,magena tiles Cutie Cat Cafe, Penguin Slushie Stop, Funny Bunny Bakery.
The Season 4 Shopkins Lil Secrets toys will be released magnetic tiles on January 1, 2020.
New Tiny Pets friends, tiny pets , are now hiding in secret Shopkins !
Discover a world of surprises and new friends using your secret store key. How many small pets can you find inside? There can be 1, 2 or 3 of them.

The little key opens a wonderful tiny shopping center .magna tiles There are many places to explore inside each house. Shops open and stack, revealing different levels and rooms, scenes and resting places for your tiny Teeny Shoppies and their pets. Open hidden doors and levels and find special surprises!
Inside there is a collector's guide featuring magna tiles all the shops in the series and the Shopkins Lil Secrets dolls.

The toys of this collection are on sale in China .
In Season 4, you can find 4 special secret magnetic tiles stores - Lovely Llama Style Salon, Cutie Cat Cafe, Penguin Slushie Stop, Funny Bunny Bakery. With them you can collect a whole street! Let's look at all 4 houses:
All new stores have tons of interesting tiny details that open up tons of possibilities for endless play. Such a gift will not go into the closet immediately after unpacking.