Sculpting something "edible" like cooking in a real kitchen is so much fun! This theme is always popular in the world of toys, and Play-Doh magna tiles me tropolis has a whole series of sets - Kitchen Creations, in which there is a set for popcorn lovers in 2020. It's called the Popcorn Party!

The integrated play set includes everything you need to make a masterpiece popcorn - a great toy popcorn machine for kids, plus 6 accessories to complement and diversify your meals.
Prepare a variety of popcorns, from classic popcorn to innovative popcorn mixes, that make for an extraordinary treat when valtech magna tiles you're looking to watch a good movie (albeit pretend).
This set is on sale in Russia .
The set includes six Play-Doh sculpting magna tiles house cans (two different sizes), as well as inventory and step-by-step recipes.
Complete set:

Mix white and yellow for a popcorn effect, then cook your corn in a special machine and pack it into three buckets - small, medium and large (just like in the movies!).

Next, prepare snacks and add interesting magnetic tiles for kids toppings: you can mold pretzels, showy candies, chocolate chip cookies, and more.

Quickly cook different tasty things,magna tiles 100 piece set add syrup or butter, it all looks so delicious and so realistic!
The colors, like any plasticine, will eventually mix and cannot be separated, so be prepared to purchase additional Play-Doh jars when you need them.
Play-Doh: sets, jars
Play-Doh, sculpting kits
Overall, this is a great set to have a fun party. Add this Play-Doh set to your kid's party shopping list, or just throw a Play-Doh popcorn connetix magnetic tiles party on a rainy, cloudy, snowy day. Let this day be fun and creative!
No batteries required, no electronics required - just imagination!
Age: 3+.