Little Live Pets Surprise Chick House (Season 3)

Will you find a limited edition chicken called the Dreambow Rainbow Chick? Get yourself a chicken in the house - it's so cute!
Who will hatch from the egg?
It's a surprise!
While your pet is still in the egg, you will already hear sounds ... who is there?
A funny detail - you don't know when the egg will open, as if it were a real chick that we are looking forward to hatching! Usually you have to wait 30 to 60 seconds. At some point, a miracle will happen, the egg will open.

The amazing baby's house is the perfect place for him. There, both the egg and the Little Live Pets chicken will be completely safe.
You won't know which chicken is hiding inside until the egg opens and your surprise appears. When the egg opens, the bird will jump out and say "Hello!" Brace yourselves, the fun is about to begin! Feed the baby, take care of her, take care, and she will sing .

The chick can be put back into the egg and relive the chick emergence process.
Can you hear me chirping? I walk like a real tiny chicken! The more you care about me, the more I sing! I hatch over and over again!
This toy works by itself, it does not sync with other Little Live Pets .
Such chickens are available for sale without a house .
In the package, the set looks like this:
