The best doctor game kit!

This is one of the most fun doctor sets we've seen!
It has all the tools you need to have fun playing doctor and patient, including an amazing patient apron showing internal organs. So, unlike most doctor kits, here both the doctor and the patient feel fully involved in the role play.

The doctor's soft pouch contains a stethoscope, syringe, thermometer, tweezers, and a reflex hammer.
The patient's cloth apron is a miracle - with bulging organs that you can feel, intestine
s that you can stretch out (and marvel at their length), attached by microbes and broccoli.

Broccoli hides in the stomach, and germs keep away from it (we instill in the child healthy eating habits).
Real wood and felt finishes, plus metal finishes and rubber tubing on the instruments ... Everything looks realistic, while everything is safe for children. The only small details here are felt germs and broccoli.

Play, switch roles, learn anatomy.
Pretend play toys allow children to use their imaginations to act out all the different stories they see in everyday life. And at the same time work out useful skills in life.
The set is also thought out for easy storage. All parts fit in a soft Velcro bag that is easy to carry:
